🐓Implementing OSPF on OpenWRT 🛜

🐓Implementing OSPF on OpenWRT 🛜

🐓 FRR (Free Range Routing) is a break stack to use and here will show how you can have it up and running in no time using OpenWRT 🕸

OpenWRT is a great solution that can be implemented in various NFVs. It is lean and mean and can be used at the edge or even within a data centre.

Here we explain on how to implement OSPF of the platform using Free Range Routing.

opkg update
opkg install nano btop mtr curl
opkg install frr frr-watchfrr frr-ospfd frr-staticd frr-zebra frr-vtysh

# Change ospfd=yes in /etc/frr/daemons

#Modify /etc/frr/frr.conf

router ospf
  network area
  area range
     default-information originate always
     redistribute kernel
     redistribute connected
     redistribute static

service frr enable
service frr start

Ronald ensures that Internet inhabiting things are connected reliably online at Fusion Broadband South Africa - the leading specialized SD-WAN provider in South Africa.